Dart Den

Full Version: Searching the member list - can it be easier ?
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It is extremely time-consuming to sort for a certain name in the member list since there are hundreds to thousands, and many are spam members.

I have two requests----Site Admin, could you sort the members by name and delete all the junk entries to make sorting more efficient ?

Also, could you include an alphabetical directory to sort by name instead of the scrolling page numbers at the bottom? Clicking page 1, 2, 3, etc., and waiting for the page to refresh 200 times before getting to the names you want gets a little mind-numbing.



That does not sound like a bad idea but I guess it is up to the site admin.
#1 request - Happening now. I'm deleting all the Russian ect, spam accounts. Out of our @ 40,000 membership base, over half is spam / fictitious accounts. They all have to be deleted by hand, more or less. Very time consuming. The GOOD news, is that there are very few...and I mean VERY few new spam accounts getting in. The 10-12 in the past three months have all been "sleeper cells" / accounts created in 2010, so we are REALLY doing well in this department.

#2 request - Done. The member list (only viewable by registered members here BTW) is searchable -alphabetical. Just type in the first letter of the name and then sort the list by number of posts and you should easily be able to find the member you are looking for. This also works well for email, cc and forwarding pms ect.