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Full Version: "Captive Born" to "Domestically Produced"
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Just read a small article in Reptiles Magazine where the writer suggests using the term"Domestically Produced" instead of "Captive Born", as the word "Captive" is fairly repulsive and un-PC. I agree.

I must say that a short catchy acronym still remains - DP.

Food for thought....
I always separated captive born and captive bred. To me captive born is like buying a w/c gravid snake, and it laid eggs for you 2 weeks after you brought it home. Could you say the snakes that hatched are "Domestically Produced"?
Captive bred/ captive born is the correct term as far I am concerned.....Not into the PC crap that gets pushed.
Yeah....I usually hate "the flow" too...

Here's a funny one:

PETA wanted all fish to be called "Sea Kittens", in hopes that people would stop eating them....HA !
I always think of CB as captive born, but I really captive bred better.