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Full Version: Mite Sprayed Paper Towels effective?
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I am using paper towels sprayed with mite spray under my cultures, and I am wondering how effective are they if wild, flying FF can light on it and not seem affected?

If it works well for others, how often should they be resprayed to continue to be effective, and how much do you soak them down when you spray them?
I only use the blue mite paper. I think the pyrethrins are more effective when the insect crawls or spends a longer amount of time in contact with it....otherwise a strong breeze or a whiff of it, would damage the culture cups. I could be wrong.

'member...Mites are NOT the devil. Just don't keep your cultures longer than @ 5 weeks and you won't have to worry.
Lady Bullseye Wrote:If it works well for others, how often should they be resprayed to continue to be effective, and how much do you soak them down when you spray them?
I use fresh paper towels about once every other week instead of re-spraying. I totally soak them then put them in front of a fan until they are totally dry. Just had mite paper delivered today, so I'm gonna see how that works.