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Jay Why

So I've got an aunt who is a little out there. My mom was talking to her and told her I started keeping PDFs. My loopy aunt says to my mom, `People keep those so they can lick them to get high.`

WTF!?!??! First of all, wrong type of frog (actually, I think its a toad.) Second, I live in California and I've got way easier sources of getting high than having to keep frogs and fruit flies!

Some people. Wink
Some may agree that the buzz of keeping these little beauties is addictive enough without any licking. I lost my little old senile auntie last year. Man she kept me in stitches with her views of the world. Enjoy her while you can.

Jay Why

Yeah - my dads side of the family is very entertaining. They started a yearly camping weekend a long time back. My uncle found a frog hanging from the bumper of someones vehicle, dead and shriveled. It was in the perfect position to hang from his cocktail glass - so now frogs are the family mascot. Might be one of those had to be there moments...


its the colorado river toad that you lick....and they seem to be rather expensive and hard to get....probably cuz they are about the only legal source for a potent DMT experience Wink

Jay Why

That is correct. We'd also accept `Bufo alvarius.`

You get 20 points. +10 bonus points for knowing what DMT is. You're either very curious or take drugs seriously.

Huh - I hadn't considered looking into buying them. I'll just tell my mom to thank my aunt for the suggestion, I enjoy licking toads way more than the other little poison frogs I had!


I thought it was the african cane toad that people lick? Anyone else hear this?


George B

Both the cane toad Bufo marinus which by the way is from central america not africa and colorado river toad Bufo alvirius contain bufotenine which can be used to give someone a LSD like effect. Colorado river toad venom also contains anther potent hallucinogen. Bufotenine also can cause permanent neurological damage and the venom can definitely kill a person (it happens to people in australia from time to time when some idiot boils down a big one). George


I have a friend whose dog is addicted to them- literally. Every night when he goes out to the bathroom in the summertime, he hunts for them, catches at least one, picks it up and holds it in his mouth for a while and then drops it. He doesn't hurt the toad at all, just rolls it around in his mouth as if they were wine.


Why would you want to? I can imagine that the taste is more than a little bad.


Poor traumitized froggies... talk about an intimate kiss.. kinda reminding them of an anaconda... can hear them shriek "don't eat me! I'm too young to die! I have eggs yet to lay/fertilize!"


Jay Why Wrote:So I've got an aunt who is a little out there. My mom was talking to her and told her I started keeping PDFs. My loopy aunt says to my mom, `People keep those so they can lick them to get high.`

Quote: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i saw a lady on tv licking them to check the toxin level in the frogs!