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Full Version: 2nd attempt 20gal long
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and some more






last one until my plants from bj arrive!


All in all I am 100 times more satisfied with my 2nd attempt than I am with my first one. I still made some mistakes but thats what is going to make me better at this. This has all been trial and error for me. I would say I am about 80% pleased with this one. Maybe I will change my mind when I get the rest of my plants. I am almost willing to add darts to this one. Please post your thoughts on how I could have made it better. I still have three ten gals lying around another 20gal long and my master project the big five-five gal. I want my skills to be mastered by the time I do my 55gal which will include drilling the tank and the most detailed design I can come up with including a misting system. Thank you for taking the time to look at my work. Enjoy! Smile
Looks good.
Each tank will be a learning experience!


Thanks Cindy!!


Its about time!!! Plants from BJ arrived today. So.... Here they are, what a difference a few plants can make. I have to say I am now about 90% happy with my second attempt. OBTW the brom came from homedepot. LOL












Here is the finished tank. I love it, but it is time to move on to my next project. I will post progress as time goes on. Thank you to all who took the time to answer questions and passed on their ideas. Newbies like me appreciate that!! I would love to hear what you guys think of the end product.
nice work. what are the two plants on the left of your back wall?


Thanks Mack!!!

In order from left to right.

Fern Microsorum
Tillandsia Bergeri
Tillandsia Abdita

All of them can be purchased from BlackJungle.com online catalog under Plants category under "Airplants" and the fern is under "Other Airplants" I think the fern is also located in the "Ferns and Mosses" Smile I hope this helps!

thanks for the info. watch that fuzzy tillandsia, they rot out pretty quick if they can't dry out. i've killed more than i want to admit.

i'm trying one now in a spot on the side wall where the mister head doesn't spray in a tank which is pseudo-euro-style with LOTS of ventilation.


Yea thanks I kept that in mind and placed them near my ventilation. Hopefully I won't have any problems.
Looks good.
Any thoughts on what lucky frogs might get to call this their new 'home'?


Not sure yet...after I talk to Pete I will have a better idea as to what PDF's the tank best suits. Thanks for looking....
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