Dart Den

Full Version: Isn't every Dart Frog a Hybrid of some sort already ?
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As I have been reading a bunch of posts on this forum about the dreaded hybrids,I have a question for everyone. Where do you think all the color variations in the wild came from to begin with ? Couldn't they have bred with different species in the wild to form the fantastic colors we now have ? Where else would the color variations came from ? Perhaps all our frogs are hybrids eh ? You cant tell me none of the frogs in the wild mix it up a little to form the new species - I just aint buying it. Isn't everything alive a hybrid of some sort ? Just a thought for the experts here. :wink:
Corey, we need a HUGE FART Confusedhock: "smiley" Confusedhock: for this kind of stuff.


This is almost not worth justifying with an answer, but basically, each species/morph of frog in Central and South America obtained these colors by A. being split off of a population by some geographical event thousands of years ago,(which all members of a group are of similar colors, shapes, etc, such as quinequivettatus or the tinctorius group). These are still Different species and have marked differences which makes them a different species. They are not that way because of hybridization, geez. That post of yours is a biologists worst nightmare. I highly advise you to brush up on the topic of what a species is to begin with. Then B., each species/morph is found in different ranges, and have all descended from the same ancestors, but we are talking thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years ago. What you are doing is taking them, and within a few years, breeding them together. THAT IS NOTHING LIKE WHAT PRODUCED DIFFERENT SPECIES OF DART FROGS.

Hey Ed,
I just want a last name from "Larry" the Uber-breeder.

Where is that Fart smiley??? Something definitely smells! Confusedhock: Confusedhock:


I have a great Idea maybe we can create some other cool new species and try to mate a human with a donkey. Really any barnyard animal might work well just have to try them all until we get it right. Just think of how cool thell look.
