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Lol Richie...yes the frog room. Im married, that breeding ended long ago Wink

Woo hoo! Good day today in the frog room

Had my first successful vanzo morph out in viv

[Image: IMG_2227.jpg]

AND!!! I found my first clutch of two Reticulata eggs! I sprayed them with a light meth blue mixture and placed them in my tadpole bin.
Woot! Smile
My thoughts exactly Wink One day without those little brats in my house and I get eggs from my Retics of all frogs! ....not to mention how great it feels to not have them here.
Cristobal have finally laid eggs! They don't look very viable, even a few old moldy clutches but at least its a start.
appeares to be a few empty jelly's as well. Hope shes not shooting mostly blanks.

[Image: IMG_2231.jpg]

good news is the Retic eggs where good!

[Image: IMG_2232.jpg]
Doing the happy dance for ya bud!
( don't look- it ain't pretty, but doing it nonetheless )

Nice shots! They look challenging to say the least.

I have yet to of met a challenge (outside with some of the people) in this hobby. So far everything has been pretty easy. Main reason I was really interested in the Reticulata as some said they where some of the harder thumbs to deal with. Still not challenged but enjoying them non the less. I think the most difficult part with them is getting them past froglet stages. We shall see Wink
D3monic Wrote:Woo hoo! Good day today in the frog room

Had my first successful vanzo morph out in viv

[Image: IMG_2227.jpg]

AND!!! I found my first clutch of two Reticulata eggs! I sprayed them with a light meth blue mixture and placed them in my tadpole bin.

Wow....it's doesn't have spots/dots....

Yes, I think they may break up as it matures though. Its rediculously huge compared to my other thumb froglets a month or more older than it. Its the largest froglet in my growout tank.

Both parents are very well if not completly polk a dotted so I can only assume the above. Would be kind of neat looking if they didn't break up.
Well, we will see just how hardy Retic egg/tadpoles are. I was feeding the tadpole bin last night and placed the film can with eggs on the table. I then picked out a bunch of cut in half film cans that I was using to hold some spare broms and tossed those in the same pile. About 30 min later I finished feeding and tossed all the garbage. Today after I got home from work I was checking on things and realised I didn't remember putting the eggs back in. Instantly knowing what I may have done I rushed to the kitchen...good ole wife, never takes the garbage (thank god) just packs dirty diapers and spagetti O's up to the over flowing point. Unfortunatly the eggs where all the way in the bottom.... Needless to say I found them, pulled them out and dusted them off. Sure enough one of the little guys wiggles, looks like some of the jelly has dissapaited but I just cleaned them off and sprayed them with meth blue solution. Time will tell but I think they are going to make it.

Edit: Oh yea, a few of the Cristobal eggs are starting to develop as well :mrgreen:
Uakarii eggs freshly laid and fertilized. Managed to get to them before those damn snails.

[Image: IMG_2426.jpg]

My wifes cousins will be gone all this week so hopefully breeding will continue for the week.

Cristobal laid another clutch of eggs in some new film cans I put out for them. Their eggs don't look like they have much jelly to them and the majority of peoples pum egg pictures show them in a puddle of water. Should I add some water to the film can or will they be fine sitting relatively dry?
Nice ! How are those Retic eggs doin ?
Heres the Cristobal eggs. I guess after looking at the pic theres more jelly than I had thought...still anyone on partially covering them with water?

[Image: IMG_2427-1.jpg]
Philsuma Wrote:Nice ! How are those Retic eggs doin ?

They are still developing nicely. Apparently there were3. I only had noticed two originally. I will get a pic in a moment.
Nature answered my question for me...eggs where dried out today. Should of submerged them a little bit since they where laid right under the ventilation zone.
Sad Sorry Mike
Sorry for absence the last couple weeks. Been super busy.

Did a little tadpole work today. Lots of frogs morphing out , barely time to keep up with them

Transfered my first reticulata tadpoles to the bin!

[Image: IMG_2779.jpg]

I have a Vanzo froglet hopping around in there somewhere. He was a tad that wiggle down into the water in the bottom of the bin.

Transfered a handfull of froglets to the morph out container

[Image: IMG_2795.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2797.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2793.jpg]

Pulled a few from morph out and transfered to growout...which is about at capacity and will have to start setting up a few more 10 gals

[Image: IMG_2788.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2782.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2799-1.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2800-1.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2801.jpg]
Very nice Mike. Lots of froglets there
Thanks, theres anything from 12-18 in the growout , about 20 some tadpoles close to morphing and a few in parental vivs emerging from broms.
Figured out where all my Uakarii eggs have been dissapearing to. Just caught a giant cave cricket that somehow had gone un noticed in there.
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