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Full Version: Seal up your Springtails - mites !
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I did leave the lid slightly off, but it was mainly just an experiment to see if they would come back.
Quick question, what type of mushrooms do you use? Grocery store? Fresh, dried does it matter? Would it be bad to use wild ones because of the toxins?
I just buy the cheapo shrooms in the fresh produce section and slice em up. You can also use canned or even powdered / dried. The springs really chow down when the muchrooms are wet an "soupy" - easily digestable.

Powdered baby cereal and even yeast is good to mix things up occasionally. The key is...like fish....do not feed too much so there is uneaten food and fouling. While they are capable of eating a seemingly large amount of food...they can also easily go a LONG time or virtually nothing and still be a viable colony. Funny little guys...
Bottom line:

Don't give up on your large master cultures of Springtails where you have mites or a die-off.

In both cases of mine.....the springtails came back !
Going back to Beth's isopods, and i know its old now, but if the isopods are cultured with edible substances, i.e leaf litter and bits of rotten wood, bits of cardboard (all microwaved pre-use), then during a mite outbreak... simply not feeding for a while can often take the mites out as they have no grub(in most cases), but the isopods still do what they normally do - munch wood and leaves.
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