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Full Version: Where should I buy my frogs ??
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I am new to the hobby, I researched for a few months before I planted my viv, then waited awhile before my first purchase of frogs--3 D Auratus froglets a couple of months ago. They are doing well, growing like little weeds! My question--I have vivs ready for more frogs, and am hoping to go to the Chicago Repticon show July 28. I don't know yet who will be there selling frogs. I have read the various threads here about which companies/people to avoid, and also found positive feedback on many. Any other advice for me when going to my first show to hopefully buy frogs? Any advice is much appreciated.
I'm not sure who will be at the next Repticon in Chicago. I've been to a couple NARBC shows and you might see a couple of people vending frogs, but by and large no frog breeders.
I have had a table before at the local show, the Scott Smith All Animal Expo, but the cost of a table at NARBC or Repticon is too much for me.
If you're ever in the Chicago area let me know and you can swing by my house for a tour of the frog room.
Thanks for the reply, Jon. I know Exo-Terra will be there, and have awesome door prizes, and also Josh's Frogs will be there. I'm hoping to find some good healthy frogs to buy, but at least I should be able to pick up supplies, and maybe see some beautiful frogs.
I'm at a disadvantage in that I kind of live in the boondocks (Galena, Illinois is 3 hrs from Chicago), and on top of that, I work 5 out of 6 weekends! So by the time I have a weekend off, it's hard to find a show to go to that's not too far away.
I've heard about the Scott Smith All Animal Expo, are there usually a good number of DF breeders there? I'll have to plan a trip in for that.
I'd love a tour of your frog room sometime!

Go with the people that have the best Reputation and Feedback Scores. Josh is a member here and pops in once in a while.

I'm sure you already checked his feedback...but if not:

Just by luck Josh's Frogs is where I initially placed 2 or 3 orders for supplies, and I was quite happy. Since watching this site and joining here I had the opportunity to check his feedback.
Thanks for all your time and effort with this site, Phil! I can see hobbyists are lucky to have this site!
Josh's will be at the NARBC show, and you're more then welcome to come out to my frog ranch when you're in town.
In addition if you need some supplies, you can pre-order from Josh's and they will deliver your order to the NARBC show and you can save on shipping costs.
There will be 6 frog vendors at NARBC Tinley Park. I can only speak for myself , but i will be vending there with Chris Miller. we should have 25+ difeerent types of darts between the two of us. :lol: So yes there will be real breeders there who can back up what they sell. I didn't want anyone to think that real frog breeders do not exist in Chi town. Frog Day 2012 should have been evidence of that.
If you go to a 'Reptile Show' and a vendor can't quite tell you what species of frog they are selling...Do NOT rescue/save/impulse buy and then try to play detective later and scratch your head as to 'what you got".....
In two weeks I'll be walking into the NARBC show with about $400 to spend...or not spend. I can tell you for certain I won't be buying from ANY flippers, and I won't be buying from ANYONE who can't tell me at a minimum what species/morph I'm buying. No offense intended here, but if you do buy frogs from someone who can't tell you what species it is, you're a fool, and we all know a fool and their money are soon parted.
My .02 is do your homework on who to buy or not to buy frogs from, even big name (non posting but for sale) have big caveats, sick and diseased frogs and do not stand by their guarantee except "live delivery."
Don't just "jump" on a classified ad on the Internet, if one grabs ya pm other Froggers with high post counts and ask about the seller. The best bet is local where you can meet them look them in the eye, have their e-mail addy and phone number.
I am not a big fan of NARBC or other big shows to buy frogs with the exception of Frog Day, even their you need to know about sellers. I will admit I am extremely picky and will buy frogs/trust the seller from last count maybe 5. Either way, QT and test don't take the chance of any new frogs spreading nasties to your collection.
On private sales/offers/trades...look first:

1. See if they have been a member here -for how long ? Are they active lately? memberlist.php

2. See if they have vendor feedback here, on the best forum for such information viewforum.php?f=25

3. See if they have a decently high post count thankslist.php?sk=d&sd=d

4. See if they have a good ratio of 'thanks' thankslist.php

Those are all indicators of a 'good hobbyist', and when in doubt...PM one of the members whose been here a long time.
Phil I would ad "questionable or unproven" lineage (esp. pums) along with sellers who deal in smuggled frogs.
Also, make SURE you visit a Dart Frog Forum that contains and archives 'true' Vendor Feedback and not a Forum with a feedback section containing a whole bunch of 'atta-boys' and positive remarks -with almost ALL the Negative feedback quashed, deleted, removed ect.
RESIST the urge to buy 'impulse', like at a Pet Store for instance.

ALWAYS buy a Frog from a FROG breeder.

Buy a Snake from a Snake breeder. Buy a Lizard from a...

There are obviously exceptions but you get my point right ?
Where should you buy your first frogs?
Philsuma Wrote:Where should you buy your first frogs?
A local breeder, a trusted member here, or an online dealer thar has a good reparation for healthy frogs and good service. Smile
Dan1990 Wrote:
Philsuma Wrote:Where should you buy your first frogs?
A local breeder, a trusted member here, or an online dealer thar has a good reparation for healthy frogs and good service. Smile

All three together, right? The rare trifecta.
Don't everyone have a next door neighbor that's a member here, breeds dart frogs, and has an online store with good ratings? Lol
Avoid 'flippers' at Reptile shows. If the person selling the frog is not the breeder, they better have EXACT knowledge on who the breeder was ect ect.

Buy only from TRUSTED breeders.
Philsuma Wrote:On private sales/offers/trades...look first:

1. See if they have been a member here -for how long ? Are they active lately? http://www.dartden.com/memberlist.php

2. See if they have vendor feedback here, on the best forum for such information http://www.dartden.com/viewforum.php?f=25

3. See if they have a decently high post count http://www.dartden.com/thankslist.php?sk=d&sd=d

4. See if they have a good ratio of 'thanks' http://www.dartden.com/thankslist.php

Those are all indicators of a 'good hobbyist', and when in doubt...PM one of the members whose been here a long time.
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