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Full Version: Bubble tadpole Imitator Egg and Tadpole development
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I saw that right away this morning!
[Image: Tadpoleday56edit.jpg]
He's been coming completly out of the water since yesterday evening. The tail is really going fast.
[Image: Tadpoleday57edit.jpg]
Very cool! Look how far that tail disappeared! I also have imitators but didn't pull any tads this last time around. Wonder if your posts could be pulled into a new thread and locked as a sticky for the breeding and tadpole care forum? Im thinking this is one of the most detailed tadpole threads ive seen. Just my 2cents though!
Thank you Garrick!
I do have all he pictures on another website, but haven't published the address yet. When the morphing is all done I will post it here, or let one of the Admins decide to post it as a sticky.
Nice! Congrats on the froglet! Chubby little thing
Thank you Riko!
[Image: Tadpoleday58edit.jpg]

Please ignore the cat fur that landed on him when I was taking pics. Darn cats!
[Image: Tadpoleday59edit.jpg]

In his grow out container. More leaf litter was added after the photo was taken.
[Image: Tadpoleday59growoutcontaineredit.jpg]
Really great looking froglet! Congrats. Smile
Awesome thread on the development, I have looked forward to all of your posts and pictures.
Thanks Beth, it's exciting having my first froglet!
Here's the last pictures of Truman.
[Image: Trumanday602edit.jpg]
[Image: Trumanday601edit.jpg]
[Image: Trumanday60edit.jpg]
Time for an update Kim !
You got it!
Here he is- 8.19.2011
[Image: Truman8192011.jpg]
[Image: Truman81920112.jpg]
OMG, your photo sequence ROCKS! How did you get the belly pix? I'm starting to help some local teachers introduce poison dart frogs into their classrooms, and I bet they would love to have this series of pix.

Your lil one turned out totally awesome - way to go, girl !!
TY Guppygal!
The belly pics were only able to be taken when the tadpole decided to flip over it was amazing how active that little thing was! Feel free to share this with anyone!
Kim,(i hope i got your name right :oops: )
what an absolutly fabulous thread,we are just in the throws of morphing out our second tad,he has popped one arm but is shy about the second,Phil pointed us here as i asked what he meant by bubble tad,i am ashamed to have missed this as it happened,i guess the shock of a few months dartkeeping trying to just get a good handle on keeping our frogs and then the complete and utter shock of being the presant custodians of 40 plus tads, eggs all over the shop,trying to build more vivs has left us wanting and missing out on this, utterly superb photos the whole thread is wonderful and best of all that final pic of a stunning young froglet,i wish we could have said congrats on the day,but better let than never huh.
Awsome,good for you,each day of your anguish also goes on here,they are all so important,yeah i know and i'm so soft thankyou,i'm off to see if the little terror has 4 legs now so we can sleep tonight,but i'm sure he'll mess with us a while longer yet,
welldone you !!! very very cool thread
Stu and Shaz
Tadpoles with gasses, "bubble" can easily survive. I've had 3 of them (leucs and Tincs), one of which had a bubble as large as it's own body.

All survived to adulthood.
Great photo journal! I just bought 10 tads so this kinda helps me know what to expect, time wise.
Thank you!
Watching the eggs/tads develop has been a great experience. I'm glad my imi's haven't overrun me with tads/froglets. I've currently got 4 froglets that I'm trying to find new homes for- and that isn't going well! Smile
I hope your froglets are all doing well.

Congrats on the tads! I wish you luck on raising them to froglet/adult hood Smile

Could the bubble have something to do with too much protein in the diet - causing body cavity gasses ?
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