Dart Den

Full Version: Entire Collection sale
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thats what I hear....I picked U.F over Miami International U for that reason. I'll be bringing my sweaters and hoodies though.
Well, I dont know if you are a Tie wearer, but I have a Gators tie that is in pristine condition, I ship it your way if you can part with any iso/springtail/invert cultures you may be willing to send my way. (believe it or not, its a $40 tie!)

If not no worries.

Good luck on your move and the sale of your collection!
lol...thanks anyway...stopped wearing ties a few years ago. No more ties for me...ever.
I wear a tie every day... Wink

Alright, I'm done Hijacking now... someone buy something so I dont feel like an ass....
Hijack away....everything is gone...lol. No worries.
Oh well in that case, there are some incredible wetlands out there, right in your backyard... You should be able to find enough 'biology' to keep you interested! Check out the Botanical Gardens if you get a chance. Its pretty sweet! When are you heading down that way?
I need to sell my Condo up here in PA but that shouldn't be too hard....looking to beat the bad weather and be down there "sooner than later".
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