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How does the male fertilize the eggs? I have a clutch of eggs in the film canister, they are below the water line, in fact they are at the bottom of the film canister, does he fertilize as the eggs are laid? :mrgreen:
Hi Dave,

Although, I kept 3-4 different species and morphs of thumbnails, they were not something I got a lot of production from.

Most male Dart Frog species, fertilize the eggs on or about the time that the female has laid them - sometimes a bit later, but not too long after they are laid. I would suspect that those eggs are fertilized.

As to site location and water....maybe Michael or someone intimately more familiar with vents or thumbs can expound on this.
Thanks Philsuma, they just laid another clutch today, this only their first two so far, as they are young vents. Big Grin
Any possibility the eggs you see are feeder eggs, maybe a tadpole in the canister? Vents are sneaky.
How is the canister positioned?
Hi Cindy thanks for your response, the film canister is white and it's tiled @ a 45 degree angle and there no Tads in the canister. Smile
Hi Dave!
Sounds like either:
1) the female got excited and laid in the canister, not realizing she couldn't glue them to the wall.
2) the eggs slide down in to the water after they were deposited perhaps as the male was fertilizing them, he kicked them.
Since they have shown interest in that film canister, you might take the water out of it, and see if they will give it another shot.
Keep us posted.
Oh, I thought you needed water in the canister.
Once the eggs hatch, they will be transported to a water source.
If you only have the one canister, you might add a few more, place at different angles, give them a choice.
Some could have water, for later use as tadpole deposition sites, but keep in mind the water will get funky, so you will need to clean them out periodically.
Thanks Cindy, I'll try that, I have currently three in there now, I'll add a couple more and at different angles some with water and some without and see what happens. Thanks
Glad to help! :wink: