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just remember to always feed 'sparingly' a little at a time. I always do a 'turkey baster' water suck every 3-4 days as well - no more than one 'suction' of water / about 20% or so. No more, as I feel too much of a water change is not good for the tadpoles.
I see some posts where people are trying to 'Heat' their tadpole water. I would not do this even if you live in a cold house or log cabin. Heating the water directly or in excess of say, 79 or 80F has resulted in some of my tadpoles morphing out quicker. Quicker is not good IMO as the animal is growing to fast and some organs and organ systems would not be formed correctly. Unhealthy.

As in all other facets of this hobby, I would recommend ambient or 'gentle room heating' of anywhere from 73-78F. A 5-10 degree drop in temp at night is also fine IMO, but steady temps work best for me.
In the past year, I've had 7 auratus tads morph out. Last year, during the warmer months, they morphed out at 60-70 days. This past winter, my last tad took over 3 months! I thought those front legs would never pop! This being said, it morphed out quite a bit larger than its siblings--all 7 are doing well, but it was quite interesting to see the difference just 7 or 8 degrees makes. (In winter, we keep the house 68-69, in summer, 75 or 76. Viv lights during the day make the vivs a few degrees warmer.) I would never try to heat tad water, especially after my observations with these guys! Faster isn't necessarily better.
Additional opinions,

I would NOT feed tadpoles every day. I would feed SMALL amounts every other to every third day and note how much has been eaten. Adjust accordingly with size of tadpole and how much they eat. The last thing you want is overfeeding, water fouling and disease or death.

Go easy on the 'protein' and 'Tad Bites'. Too much protein can be bad and result in gas bubbles.

Tadpoles seem to morph out a little faster with warmer water but in no way would I rush things or heat the water up unduly.

Some are 'slow' and take there own sweet time to morph. Funny examples of 'prehistoric' tadpoles or 'Peter pan' tads over a year or two, hehe.
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