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Full Version: albino Ranitomaya imitator "Tarapoto"- Pics
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They are so cool looking!
Update - They are still thriving and almost adult size now. I wish the pictures had come out better, but I didn't want to mess with them too much.
[Image: Albino1.jpg]
[Image: albino2-1.jpg]
[Image: Albino3-1.jpg]
Wow...very striking yellow-gold.
I just lost mine. They are cool. I have a thing for albinos. Good luck, albino dart frogs don't have a great survival rate.
All i can say is wow i love them
This guy was calling all day today. All three are as active and bold as the normal frogs.
[Image: Albino1.jpg]

Can you get a pic or better yet, a video of him calling ? Pretty rare that they get that size.
Are all three adults? Congrats on getting at least one to adulthood!!!
rcteem Wrote:Are all three adults? Congrats on getting at least one to adulthood!!!
I wouldn't call them adults yet. Adult size? maybe... or Sub- adult for sure.

Phil, I'll try to get a picture or video. I'll have to admit I was pretty stoked when I saw it.
Couple of new pics...
[Image: Belly.jpg]

[Image: Frog.jpg]

...and a video for Phil
[Image: th_Newmovie1.jpg]
Man they look good. Congratulations with raising them to this point and hope they will keep going for you.
Do you have any pictures of them as adults this was a pretty cool thread to read through.
All still doing well. As for pictures, They still look pretty much the same.
Made it past the 1 year mark. All still doing very well.
Wow those look weird. Congrats on the survival...do they call you big poppa? Ive got calling from mine but I don't think the females mature enough to lay yet.
Crawled out of the brom today. That's momma on the leaf below.
[Image: baby_zpsc3a9d781.jpg]
Thats awesome! Congrats!!!
That is amazing!!!!
Wow!!! This is amazing! I hope you produce some to sell (soon)!
The pair are now past the 1.5 year mark. They have produced Three offspring to date. I have Two froglets and one tadpole that should be morphing in the next couple of weeks. You won't see them in the classifieds any time soon. :wink:
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