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Full Version: 10 gallon, vert or not to vert
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Ok, the Charleston, S.C. Repticon is coming up in a few weeks and want to get something put together to house my first pair of frogs. I'm going to be setting up a 10 gallon only as a temporary tank until I can get my 29 gallon here. I'm going to do a full on set up with an egg crate false bottom and a great stuff foam background basically for practice since it will be my first build.

I do have a few other questions as well. I went to Lowes to get my supplies yesterday, the best bulb for the light fixtures I have is a GE sushine F15 with 5000k. I'm not going to do any crazy plants. Just some vines and a spider plant that I have growing already.

supplies I have:
Light mentioned above
exoterra digital Thermometer/hydrometer
egg crate
great stuff
window screen
spay bottle

things i know i still need to get:
coconut huts
spagnum moss
fly cultures (will get at reptile show)

anything else I need that I'm forgetting?
Glass top - can get regular glass cut at Lowes ect, just bring a cardboard template of your tank top. The glass can actually overlap and just lay on top of a screen top and you can slide it this way and that way, to let a little more air flow into the tank - adjustable !

and some emory / sand paper to sand the glass edges. A small drawer knob - many styles and silicone that onto the glass lid to be able to pick it up.
Thanks Phil as always! I did forget to mention I did still have to get it. So just a screen top will be ok then just get a piece of glass. Sounds great. When I was looking at lowes yesterday, I did have a question about the glass. I saw someone mentioned somewhere that the Lexon glass was better. Does it matter? Also, how do I drill the hole in the glass for the knob without breaking it if I do use regular glass?
Regular Glass is fine, especially for your temp tank. It should only cost @6-8 bucks. You can even get it cut in half if you want - same principle of more adjustability that way.

Buy one of those smaller squeeze tubes of 100% clear bathroom silicon and just a dab on the glass and then push the rear end of the drawer knob into it and let it set up. Instant knob and the remaining silicone can be used for other things later.
Here's a good beginner thread that you can use as a checklist.

OK, I also forgot to mention a section of pipe. Got the pipe cut into 5, 1" sections to support the egg crate. Egg crate crate cut out. Only thing I did differently, under the canopy uses stuff for needle point instead of using window screen. It's more ridged and has larger holes so to allow for more efficient drainage. I did my smear layer of silicone, waited about 2 hours then did my GS. Waited about 4 hours and smeared the silicone on the foam and applied eco earth to it. Going to let it dry over night and have to touch up a few spots. So far looking good. Will post pics of the finished product of my simple project which I hope to have done by this weekend. Thank you everyone for all the post. Great site with great info!
Ok, got everything set up, just trying to figure out how to resize the pic
finally got it
looks almost identical to my temp tank haha. I was at repticon in columbia this passed weekend and got me two leucs love them. And I had to hop onto a premade 10 callon horizontal tank from Carolina Dart Frogs!
looks a lot better grown in and other plants added to it. I was thinking of moving the 2 frogs that have been in this tank but they seem comfortable. I have 6 other Leucs that are going to need bigger homes than what they have.
I'm in the process of building a vertical zoomed that's actuallys comes
Out right around a 11 gallons. I'm thinking an easy thumbnails to put in it. I just got done spin a 55 gallon bearded dragon enclosure. Thinking someone's guy appreciate if I gather all the photos and show how I did it.