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So far my fogger and my mister died. No frogs yet and I am ready to give up. I guess I am glad I don't have any frogs.
Dont let that get you. I dont even use a fogger mister... only a spray bottle. The more electrical parts you have the more of a pain it can be. Keep it as simple as you can. Get a good handle on cultivation of FF and springtails, then get a frog or two and just enjoy wout all the gadgets or water feature mess.
I was told the humidity has to be over 80. I have a hard time keeping up with it with a spray bottle. I didn't care when the fogger went down it was for show anyway. But even with the mister it had a hard time keeping the humidity up. I don't get it the top is completely covered. I did what people said put a fan over the top raised the light. Still having a hard time keeping up the humidity.
You have a glass top/lid covering at least 90% of the entire top, right ?
Yes I would say about 99%.
hmmm...try keeping @ an inch of water in your false bottom at all times.

Glass top ?
Yes it is a glass top. I have about 2" of water in my false bottom now. This is why I am frustrated I don't understand why I have a problem with it.
ahhh..now I think I know.

Ditch your gauge. The gauge is off / wrong /bad.

Use the 'hand / eye" humidity . Spray the interior sides real well and then just watch the condensation....see how long it stays.

Post up some pics here and we can better see potential issues.
Ok, so I gave up and stopped misting the tank have not misted the tank since the day I was complaining and now my humidity stays 83-95%. Do you think it is a temp issue it has warmed up the last few days ?
Too hard to guess what's going on....try posting a few good pics of your enclosure / top ect and that will help.
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