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Dendrobatidae Nederland releases issue 5 of the English magazine!

As an association serving the Dutch frog enthusiasts for over 20 years now, with a full coloured Dutch magazine existing for more then 8 years, we hope to reach the same for our English readers.
It seems that we’re on the right track, we just released issue 5!
And more is yet to come, so please join us! The possibility of an ongoing subscription until you resign is now available!

Click here to become a subscription! http://www.webshop@dendrobatidae.org

And remember, all profits of our sales directly benefits our purposes, as there are for example the Amphibian Nature Reserve Ranita Dorado in Colombia and the research into and combating of the Chytrid fungus both in hobby and nature settings.

If you have any comments, feel free to contact me at: Magazine@dendrobatidae.org

Best regards,
I have a few issues of this magazine and it's spectacular. Subscribe / get them !
Thanks Phil, we can use all the support there is!
Dear frog enthusiasts,
Full of sadness, I have to inform you that DN has stopped with the release of new editions of our English magazine.

Main reason for this is the lack of sufficient subscribers compared to the high costs.

Too bad, it was, in my opinion, a beautiful magazine, your positive comments makes that I can say that with proud, thanks to anyone who supported us!
But for the moment I can not decide otherwise.

Issue 1 to 5 will still be available in our web shop, out Dutch magazine will be too.

Sincerely, Ingmar van IJzendoorn
Dendrobatidae Nederland
VERY sad indeed.

Best of luck with your European membership and continued service to the hobby and the animals.
Thank you Phil, of course the association DN will continue the good work as we always did. But unfortunately without an English magazine...