Dart Den

Full Version: A pic of one of my set ups
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Hi there,

I do own more set ups at home but I'll publish one pic of my set ups overhere. It contains a couple of tanks and one paludarium. In this paludarium I'm keeping phyllobates vittatus. And in the water which surrounds the island in the paludarium are kept my own strain of cherry pink endlers and cherry shrimps.

Greetz, Stan
Welcome back, Stan, you are too young for such health problems, hopefully they are behind you now! Nice website, too! Please post more pictures when you have time, your paludariums sound interesting.
Hi there Diane,

Wish it was true that the whole med thing was behind me! Still in the whole proces and I'll stay in there for a while...
I'll upload more shortly and it's really fun to spend my time on this all... I'm not allowed to work for this moment and hopefully I can have a fresh start in January. But this allows me to spend more time on my vivaristic activities.

Well Diane, have a swell weekend and keep me updated of what's going on this forum...

Take care, Stan