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Does the water that is under the false bottom need aeration ?
Boss Frog Wrote:Does the water need aeration that is under the false bottom?

No. Excess water can sit virtually forever. There is no smell or anything bad related to the standing water. Some vivariums have it, some do not. Some drain the excess, some have such a slight amount, that what little accumulates also evaporates completely in a day or two. No two different hobbyist's vivarium designs are the same, it seems.
I've learned through experience to try and include some way to drain the excess water out. Either by drilling the glass or by a stand pipe so you can fit a hose down to the false bottom and drain it. It sure beats digging up the substrate and screen and siphoning it out with a turkey baster.
is it good to have standing water in the false bottom? my humidity stays at 90 without, but would it help with microfauna?
rionjames Wrote:is it good to have standing water in the false bottom? my humidity stays at 90 without, but would it help with microfauna?

I like to have some standing water in all my viv bottoms - an inch or 2. It helps maintain humidity and gives you an idea of how fast the evaporation is like in the entire enclosure.

You never want waterlogged, wet or sopping soil or too much water . Microfauna will not flourish when things are too wet and there is no oxygen. That is one of the main reasons against streams and water features, unless you know what you are doing. It will play havoc with trying to get good bug populations established.