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Full Version: R. imitator observation
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I got my proven pair of imitators last June or July. Typically at night they both "nest" on different axils of their favorite brom. They transported a tad in July, another in September, and most recently one on January 13. Since this last transport, they have changed their routine, and I'm not concerned, more intrigued/interested if anyone else has witnessed this? They occasionally still nest on axils of the brom, at night. But more often, I am seeing one or both parents sleeping in the cannister with the tad! It's very cool, I just can't figure out why the change? They are upside down in the can, nose to the front, with all 4 feet kind of "plastered" to the sides of the cannister, in order to "stick" to it, out of the water. The tad is of course in the bottom of the can, in the pool of water, and it is more animated than usual when one or both parents are in the cannister with it.
Anyone else have this happen, or have any insight?