Dart Den

Full Version: Been A Little over a year.
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Hello Everyone,

Well I have been studying and reading for a little over a year. I was originally going to invest in some frogs awhile back, but the downturn in the economy hit my job pretty hard, and I didn't want to take it out on them so I held off. I did manage to make a little money selling my fruit fly cultures to a local Shop though so that helped Big Grin

IS there anyone in the Orlando Florida area willing to coach or help me get some real experience before I start investing?
I'm in Ft. Myers and I'm certainly willing to help you.

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Hey Dustin-

Always nice to see another Florida frogger!! Here are a couple links that should help you out. The first will take you to Kevin's website. He is a hobbyist/breeder from the Winter Haven area. He works with just about every D. tinctorius & auratus in the hobby and would be more than happy to help you in any way he could. The second link will take to Luis' store. Luis is from Orlando and is definitely the go to guy in your area for vivarium plants/supplies. While he specializes in the captive breeding of Uroplatus (leaf-tailed geckos), he also works with several ranitomeya (AKA "thumbnail") dart frogs.



...I also happen to know where you can score yourself a real nice glass box if you happen to need one of them! :lol:
Thanks Wes...yes those are good people to contact.

Welcome to Dart Den, Dustin !

I'm in Gainesville if you are ever up my way...I'd be happy to chat with you more in-depth, about anything at all.
Thank you all of you! I will for sure take some time and hit the road one of these weekends to get some real life experience. Weekends work out for me so if anyone ever has time. Feel free to send me a message.
If you can make it, there is a Repticon show in Tampa this weekend. Be sure to stop by Kevin's booth and ask him if you can mix the colors... :mrgreen:
Hey Dustin, if you are ever down in the Ft. Myers area you can visit 2 frog rooms in the same day! Jon's place and my place. I too would be happy to help with anything I can.