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Full Version: White Tree Frog holes in skin
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Well, they arn't my frogs. I work for petsmart, and while cleaning their tank I noticed one of the females has holes in the skin. I can not get a picture, but I can describe them pretty well. They look like they would be caused with a hot needle. They are very tiny and almost look like burned around the edges. I'm pretty sure it is a she as they arn't too popular, (no clue why not they are so great) and they have become more or less perm residents of the store allowing us to observe them calling or not. You may be thinking they are not housed right because it is petsmart, but I assure you that is not the case. It is because they have been with us for so long that we've set up a habitat much like one that would be at home...not just a temp holding tank while they wait to be sold. Anyway, back to the problem. I didn't want to isolate her because she is very close to the male, but at the same time I don't want him to get it if it is something. Any thoughts on what I should do?

Thanks in advance,


I don't normally bump within 48hrs, but I go back in at 4pm West Coast time. Maybe someone could let me know if I should put her in isolation or not if no one knows what is wrong with her.
Can you get pics?


No, unfortunately I can not Sad my cam broke not too long ago, and I'm not too sure when I'll be getting a new one.
Quarantine is probably a good idea. At least until you find out what is going on.


Ok, thanks. I went in today and got her all setup. She seems fine aside from the holes all over...eating fine and exploring the new tank. I tore down the old tank, washed it, made fresh coco, gave the plants a bath etc just incase it is something that can be passed on.