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I have a few species of frogs I'm offering for sale at this time. Some juveniles some sub-adults. Be sure to check the notes at the end of the ad.

Species: Dendrobates tinctorius Azureus
Qty: 6
Age: 4 mos oow
Line: Unknown
Price: $25 each
Notes: Beautiful, well started froglets.

Species: Dendrobates tinctorius Cobalt
Qty: 15
Age: 5-10 mos oow
Line: Josh’s Frogs
Price: $25 each
Notes: The parents are huge, beautiful, bold, active frogs. These are well started froglets capable of taking D. hydei flies.

Species: Dendrobates tinctorius Bahkuis
Qty: 10
Age: 5-10 mos oow
Line: Josh’s Frogs
Price: $25
Notes: Well started froglets with beautiful reticulated patterns

Species: Phyllobates bicolor Green Legged
Qty: 10, maybe more
Age: 6 mos oow
Line: Josh’s Frogs
Price: $30 each
Notes: Adults are bold and active, they fear nothing. These are well started froglets, great group frog.

Species: Epipedobates anthonyi Santa Isabel
Qty: 20
Age:6 mos oow
Line: Unknown/Old LIne
Price: $15 each,
Notes: Adults are a beautiful cherry red with mint green stripes. These are well started froglets already going through color change to a beautiful red. Great group frog.

Species: Eipedobates anthonyi Rio Saladillio
Qty: 8
Age: 6 mos oow
Line: Unknown
Price: $40 each
Notes: A bit harder to find member of the anthonyi complex. Deep maroon coloration with electric blue stripes.

Species: Dendrobates auratus El Cope
Qty: 10
Age: 6 to 10 mos oow
Line: UE
Price: $35 each
Notes: A
Additional notes: A large and bold auratus with a base color with turquoise with bronze spots. Don't be fooled by other generic turquoise and bronze auratus, this is a locale specific frog.

Species: Dendrobates auratus Nicaraqua
Qty: 10
Age: 4 to 5 mos oow
Price: $25 each
Line: Josh's Frogs
Notes: Not nearly as shy as everyone says. My adults are out and about all day.

Species: P. aurotaenia Green Stripe F2's
Age: 1 year old
Price: $35
Line: SNDF
Notes: Great frog with a great call. Fantastic as a group, similar in care to P. vittatus.

Species: D. leucomelas
Qty: 10
Age: 4 mos oow
Price: $25
Line: Schwinn
Notes: One of the most popular frogs of all time.

Species: P. vittatus
Age: 6 mos oow
Price: $25
Qty: 15
Live: Old Line
Notes: A very pretty and underrated frog.

1. All shipping is done via FedEx, priority overnight delivery, hub to hub
2. $60 flat rate shipping fee, no box fee!
3. No frog is sold till payment is received.
4. Local pick-up/meet up is available
5. Discounts for large group purchase is negotiable
6. Payment via Cash, Money Order, PayPal or any Major Credit Card
7. Live arrival guaranteed, if there is a DOA we must be notified within 2 hours of pickup and we may ask for a cell phone photo of the deceased frog.
8. I will consider trades.
9. Feel free to PM me or email me at ahouseoffrogs@gmail.com
10. All frogs captive bred by us, right here in FL. USA!!
11. Link to vendor feedback. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6242