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i got an order of dwarf white isopods yesterday. there were about 20 in the culture, i put half of them in a plastic bin that was ready for them, it had some ABG in it, and the other half i put into my viv. I have not seen ANY in either place. i have even been searching in the plastic bin. do they normally hide like this? will i ever see them? i plan to get more, i have a show in White plains on Sunday and i hope to grab a few at that time. if not, i'll order on line.
20 is what I would consider a 'small' amount. As to the vivarium...unless it's sparse, you are likely to almost never see them. They do take a while to breed, so much patience is needed. Use cardboard and make sure the soil is slightly on the moist side. Never wet...only moist.
thank you. i did go digging thru the small container again and saw a couple but they got away just as fast. i will def. get more of them.
Always have a small square of corrugated cardboard on top of the culture...moist. It will increase production vastly.
ok i have placed 2-2inch x 2 inch squares of corrugated cardboard ontop the substrate and sprayed them a little. i will also save some egg shells and add a bit next time i use eggs. i have Repashy Bug Burger in there for now, just a little bit.
Isopods are also fairly photophobic, so it's natural that they will run to cover when exposed to light.
I do not add egg shells to isopod cultures just abg and I keep them on the semi dry side, lightly moist but drier on the other side of the culture. They like leaf litter, I feed mine fish flakes and alternate bug burger , with time should be fine.
I have a small viv-12x12x18-that I removed the frogs from. I used this viv as a grow out, and when the froglets outgrew it, I put them in a larger viv. I thought about ripping the viv apart to make improvements, but it is so well seeded with springs and especially isos, that I have kept it, as is. I use it to grow plants and isos for other vivs. I keep a good layer of leaf litter on top of the substrate, and if I need isos somewhere, I just turn on the light, turn over a few leaves, and they are FULL of isos! I just toss a few iso covered leaves into another viv, and voila! Do the same with the plants in there--grow them, and whenever I need cuttings or plants elsewhere, just take a few out. Works pretty slick!

thanks everyone. i appreciate the feedback. i am new to all of this food raising.. LOL. well except for Crix and lateralis roaches which i kept when i had crested geckos. Dart frog food is all new to me.
It's not that hard Colleen, and the best part is not having to deal with horrible, parasite ridden Crickets...or 'Crix....love that word. Or Roaches ect. Fruit flies are not only the staple, but the best way to deliver the superfine powdered suppliments to the frogs (gut loading doesn't work here). Fruit flies dusted regularly with fresh vitamins and calcium ect is a must for these animals.
i do dust my feeders, for sure. i am hoping i can find some bean beetles at the White Plains show on sunday. Also would be great to grab more isopods and springtails, but that might be wishful thinking on my part.