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Full Version: First time dart frog enclosure help.
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Is it going to be easy to dump flies into? Where is the opening?
I'd be able to remove the entire top so feeding should not be a problem.
Unless you can take off that light and use the very top hole....

If you mean you are going to lift off the whole 'top bowl'....then you are going to hate yourself. Flies will be everywhere and your frog may jump out.

I have seen probably over 500 vivariums and over 100 collections and frog rooms and i've never seen someone attempt a globe like that. My advice is to not attempt it.
Well I can't say I'm not a little disappointed it won't work after coming this far but at least I found out this way than by losing a frog. I might turn it into a crab habitat or something.

That said now I got to buy another viv. Would the 18"×18" base 24" high be the best set up for a frog or possibly a pair? I also have a 36 gallon bowfront tank that is not in use but idk if I can get a glass canopy for it.
On second thought I am going to plant it and use it for experimentation and experience. No frogs just plants. Ill start another viv for frogs in the near future.
Dan1990 Wrote:On second thought I am going to plant it and use it for experimentation and experience. No frogs just plants. Ill start another viv for frogs in the near future.

If you really want to experiment with that enclosure, you could make the tiny top part where the light sits into a 'drinking glass' size diameter opening and covered with screen that you could lift off. That way, you could easily tap the fruit flies ect into the globe. opening the top half several times a week is not going to be fun / work out, trust me.

The only thing close to this project was a young girl who was insistent on making a vivarium out of an old apple computer case. That project was all 'full of fail', as you can imagine....or at least I HOPE you all can imagine.
When I say experiment I mean with plants. Although if I really wanted to I'm sure I could come up with a ff applicator I could use. 4 years of engineering college was not taken in vain lol.

This will give me a little experience with these kinds of plants and how it works as I've never done anything like this before. I was already thinking about an upgrade down the road so no real harm done.

But back to my other question. Is the 18"x18"x24" the optimum enclosure for a few frogs?(3-4 with one female so 1.2 or 1.3? Not sure if the ratio is supposed to be written male to female ir female to male)
Also is height better than with?
For Tincs you are going to want MALE heavy ratios. Females fight much more than males.

the male is the first number in the sequence, followed by females, lastly 'unknown' or juvenile ect.

I would recommend 2.1 as a max for that size enclosure. You want LESS height and more 'Floor' for the larger bodied frogs.
Philsuma Wrote:For Tincs you are going to want MALE heavy ratios. Females fight much more than males.

the male is the first number in the sequence, followed by females, lastly 'unknown' or juvenile ect.

I would recommend 2.1 as a max for that size enclosure. You want LESS height and more 'Floor' for the larger bodied frogs.
Ok so a 24"x18"x18" would be better than a 18"x18"x24" and I did write the ratios backwards. So 2.1 in this enclosure would be a good setup. Thank you.
Lol its so clear now that this is nowhere near big enough.
But for plants I think it will be nice.
Ps. I am still waiting on the raiser so I had to improvise.
[Image: 2bf5ae42930013532f7ffe0f57b52e75.jpg][Image: d420867e4ad8a1786e987ef0d4a42ee8.jpg][Image: d14de84228441d40d8a7ec12f8045933.jpg][Image: 3fb86d51fdff8f37e8742dd2d6ed2ec2.jpg]
It turned out well. Glad you decided to go the terrarium route with this one Smile. How do you drain the false bottom? Is there a bulk head we cannot see or some kind of hidden FB access in the terrarium? Maybe the volume of misting here won't be great enough to require draining on a regular basis, but it's something you might want to consider on your larger vivarium build.
joneill809 Wrote:It turned out well. Glad you decided to go the terrarium route with this one Smile. How do you drain the false bottom? Is there a bulk head we cannot see or some kind of hidden FB access in the terrarium? Maybe the volume of misting here won't be great enough to require draining on a regular basis, but it's something you might want to consider on your larger vivarium build.
I placed an access to the bottom. Its covered in the spag moss at the top.
I can siphon the water out. [Image: 095e4d09f5d71fc60f202ea41f7630e6.jpg]
Ah cool it's hidden well Smile. Nice work.
When I was at black jungle a couple summers ago, Richard had built a globe for some terriblis. This globe however, was about 5-6 foot around - probably on the 200 gallon side of things. It was extremely cool, and the only time I have ever seen it done, but agreed that one would be a great terrarium.

As far as plants, definitely go for the kind that don't mind little air movement, but trust me in this, sometimes it is better to scrap a decent idea on paper for the right thing to do going forward Smile I would surf craigslist and find a good size aquarium.......
I'm actually in the possess of geting everything I need for a 36" long 18" deep and 36" high. The bio bubble seemed like a cool idea but in the end one that was just too small.
Please ditch the bubble idea. Make it a terrarium instead
Philsuma Wrote:Please ditch the bubble idea. Make it a terrarium instead
I did?? I'm confused why you are saying this.
Glad you are changing the bio-bubble to a plant grow out, that will be cool. And your new viv--36x18x36--is a good size for any dart frogs! Larger frogs will love the big foot print, and any climbing frogs/thumbs would love the height!
Have you decided on which frog yet?
Exciting when you are just starting, isn't it? Please post pix of your build, and let us know which morph of frogs you decide on!
Thanks, Diane
DianeCarter Wrote:Dan,
Glad you are changing the bio-bubble to a plant grow out, that will be cool. And your new viv--36x18x36--is a good size for any dart frogs! Larger frogs will love the big foot print, and any climbing frogs/thumbs would love the height!
Have you decided on which frog yet?
Exciting when you are just starting, isn't it? Please post pix of your build, and let us know which morph of frogs you decide on!
Thanks, Diane
I will make a new thread for the build when I've got everything. Smile
I decided on Dendrobates Tinctorius Azureus. I posted a thread when I was trying to decide but this was my final choice.
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