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Come on Dane. There is also the "How many frogs per gal?" and "Can I mix species?'" that pop up in rotations of three.

Next statement may need to be shifted to the "Soapbox" area but,
"F" them, "F" them, "F" them and (this may be unprecedented) a quadruple "F" them, their loss.



Out of curiosity: what sort of accomodations do the Uyama River's have? (how many of them do you have?, multiple set-ups?)
Hi Catfur,
I have them in a 30 gal cube (1:2) with tons of broms. Auto misted three times a day. The smallest set up for any of my Pums . Could be why I have only found one so far.



Hey Rich, why are you raising these guys on paper towels, they get dirty and need changing. I wouldnt even mention that most contain bleach, cause i assume your taking measures to avoid that. The fact that they get dirty and need changing is enough to make me use spaghum on all temp enclosures, changing towles is undue stress and i dont think they promote springtail growth or make it any easier to feed. Spaghum and leaf litter is far superior in my opinion

Now obviously your pretty good at rearing pums, but that doesnt mean you cant do some things better.

Some other ideas to make pums better is, new springtails the old ones dont seem to reproduce "in vivo" (word of my own concoction) as well as i would like. Im hoping that tropicals will be better at that.

Also you might have read my DB post about mite feeding. Im currently feeding mites to my pums and the adults and neonates alike are going crazy for them. Im actually seeing a whole new level of activity from my pums since i put these guys on the menu. were talking hundreds of mites a day, ive never seen eating like this from pums before. Sometime they will sit and eat more mites than i can count, ive never seen that with flies or springies.

Just thought i would throw out a few thoughts, cause pums are my only frog and i really excited to see these posts.
Hi Jace,
Well, I use paper towels for a few reasons.
They do need to be cleaned , but it makes it very easy to find fecal samples. What exactly happens to the poop in sphagnum lined containers? I don’t think there are enough residential cleaner feeder insects built up in the average tiny tub to take care of all of the waste so cleaning is a necessity in any case. Undue stress occurs when a froglet is disturbed constantly, by bugs, tankmates, whatever, but a once a week cleansing of their environment should not be undue and actually gives the chance for the young ones to get used to seeing my hands, movement, ect. instead of never having human contact. I wrote a post on contact and placement of vivs in high traffic areas. I also do not like to disturb or root around too much, but there is a difference between some normal/useful/needed contact and none at all. I use tons of pothos so leaf litter or live leaf makes no difference to me. I do put some charcoal and even a bit of sphagnum at times in with the tiny pums and retics.
Sphagnum is also bleached as cleansing in many cases . I have also heard of some very experienced Egg Feeder experts getting bad batches of un cleansed sphagnum. I am not overly concerned about bleach from the paper towels. It has not been an issue.
I am not sure what "old" or "new" springtails are . Could you elaborate?
I have not seen your mite post , but I am always looking for great feeders, especially for Pums. Can you reference the post (you won't get kicked off of the Den for that as you will Kingsnake) so I can read through it? I am very interested.
Thanks Paul.
Jace, I am not sure how to control the mites either. I am also not sure of the nutritional value of them. What is the longest period you have fed to your Pums?
I do have fungus gnats infesting almost all of my vivs that have been set up for any amount of time. Very good tiny feeders.



Ive been feeding the mites in large quantities about a month. Ive definetly seen happier and more active pums. My only worry is that the mites could potentially devastate the springtail and other microfauna in the viv. I think these things are very important as well.

Old and new springtails. I cant believe i even called them that. I mean
temperate and tropical varities, there is 4 or 5 available i think.
The more the merrier springtails are so easy to culture. I like to place whole cultures in my vivs and just toss after a week or two. Might be nice for the uberviv.
I would be a bit worried that the mites may take over the enclosures. Mites can spread very fast , from what I have heard, and while not usually a direct threat to Darts, in HUGE #s they will be a problem.



In my short term experience they dont make it long enough to reproduce or pose a threat. I have vivs that contain around 4-5 pums each and when these guys get hungry they do areal number on the mite population. These vivs are 20-30 gallons so there really isnt enough room in my opinion for the mites to escape their wrath.
That sounds fine. Just need to find the nutritional value of the mite to make sure you are not fattening them up on "potato chips".
Also, you are keeping 4-5 pums in a 20 gal?



Well i have one viv that contains the main breeding pair. This viv always has about 4 frogs in it though cause i let the babies stay in there for a while, maybe 2 months sometimes.

The other viv is a 30 gallon with a mixture of older CBs and the extra WCs. There is 5 frogs in here while i try and figure out the exact ratio. Im not sure what ill be keeping in there when i know what the ratio is.

After i pull the babies i put them in a ten gallon, i have one viv right now with 2 frog about 4 months old.
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