Dart Den

Full Version: Use the proper Fly cups and lids!
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I've cleaned plastic cups and fabri coted lids for @ 15 years straight. The stuff they are making recently is thinner and doesn't last as long but you get the picture. Easy clean up.

Now, I'm always in favour of glass over plastic but not in this case. Dropping and shattering as well as you lose the ability to TAP. Tapping the plastic is essential for me, for harvesting the flies. Glass just doesn't 'Tap'.

No screen...no t-shirt....Use this lid. It fits the cups like a glove as it should and can last 20 years rinsed with hot water and a plastic scrub pad. If you lids are homemade or goofy, mites will congregate under the lip of any protrusion you make. Proper lids, fitting correctly lasting 20 years and costing 70 cents each. Get the right tool for the job.[attachment=519]