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Full Version: Mix fly media or not????
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With Repashy and I assume any other dry media, it's actually better if it's not thoroughly mixed with hot water. Sounds counter intuitive but bear with me. I think the larvae create such a huge slurry of waste ect while consuming the media that when they hit a dry pocket near or at the bottom of the cup, it's not a problem as they are quickly turning it to liquid. Now if ALL the media is moist and mixed to start with, I wonder if that is not benefitial to the larvae - not sure if they can drown or suffocate but I been not mixing my media - just adding water and not mixing and have better results than when I mixed. 

Here's my Repashy ratio I've used for over 12 years with huge yields, and it remains the same amounts no matter how wet or dry the season / time of year. You never have to add more water ect.

1/3 of a cup dry media

2/3 of a cup very hot, not ness boiling, tap water.

Use 2 measuring cups -premade to both amounts.

Pour the hot water into the cup with media but do not mix.

The hot water will 'martha stewart' with the dry media and the media also has ingredients to expand and puff up. You want around 3 inches in the cup bottom. Any less and you won't get a strong bloom and def no secondary bloom.