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Full Version: A Suggestion For Those Raising "Unpopular" Darts
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After reading a few posts on other forums about the fickle way we cycle through Dart species in the "hobby". I thought I would offer a suggestion.
In the few years I have been involved in Darts I have seen some species'
prices double and some "plummet" to less than half of what they were easily selling for when I got into darts.
My suggestion is this....If you find yourself with an over-abundance of ANY Dart Frog species which you are unable to sell or find good homes for, KEEP them, sex them, sell them as sexable adults, and/or pair them off and raise more. It can only be a matter of time when "standard " leucs, powder blues, cobalts, alanis', ect., ect. cycle around to being very popular and coveted Darts....again.
Or you can just find one or two or fifteen species you really like and STICK with them for the long haul regardless of what may happen in the "supply and demand" world of Dart Frogs.

I was thinking about buying them high-top tennis shoes :lol:

Just kidding...all excellent ideas, Rich...


Sad I have high-tops...

I cant wait to get mah darts!


I totally agree with you Rich


I currently am operating under the opinion that people should concentrate on species. Specialize, thumbs, tincs, pums, phylos, whatever. People have monster collections, I have one species, i doubt anyone could monitor and contemplate the aspects of all their species like i do my pums. You can watch em, but you have a couple dozen vivs, you cant watch em like i do. Although i suppose i have few insights or observations to show for all that staring.
Thats why i sold off a bunch cause i felt like i was half assing a whole collection when i could be a great pumilio breeder, if i just concetrated on that. I would have to say that im probably not as smart or talented, and probably twice as lazy than some froggers, so by all means collect the whole set, but in the end you coould have built amazing breeding groups of similar species, or morphs. I mean someone with 30 breeding species, how on earth do they house em. Thats alot of offspring and in the end they get sold off early(only in my theory, not reality). I would like to see more pairs and adults being sold by the large breeders. Not just in small numbers, large numbers, but its impossible because they could never house all the frogs long enough, in suitable enclosures.( im mainly referring to tincs here cause thumbs mature quicker i bet they do get sold in pairs alot).

Just a rant, not aimed at anyone, just what i think. Some people deserve their huge collection, its just not for me.
Hi Jace,

.".If you find yourself with an over-abundance of ANY Dart Frog species which you are unable to sell or find good homes for, KEEP them, sex them, sell them as sexable adults, and/or pair them off and raise more.'

Is there anything in the above statement that you would disagree with or like to add to??

Sorry , gotta edit/add
I am home all day through the workday because that's my job. Sucks watching the monster all day long.....+that's a retic on your one species avatar......Just having fun Jace, please come up this weekend for the meeting. Quite the haul but...

Please PM me Jace . Long time no talk to. I always need more broms.



Yes, i totally agree, i would like to see more pairs sold , by the big time breeders. I suppose its just not possible, because of the size of their collections. Selling pairs is a good way to make sure your sending out healthy breeding, viable frogs. Babies suffer so much from the stress of shipping and to a lesser degree show packaging, adults handle this way better. Not to mention begginers who purchase babies are in my opinion more likely to have substandard stunted or dead frogs, than if they recieve heathly hydei smashing juvies to adults.

Now i think if someone breeding unpopular frogs is having a hard time gettting rid of offspring they really not likely to hold on to em to pair and have more time invested in an unpopular frog. but they should and your right because the long term things can turn around.

As far as my avatar goes, your right it will be removed immediately after this post, only there because i forgot all about it. You might notice my DB avatar has been gone for a while.
AceKing Wrote:Now i think if someone breeding unpopular frogs is having a hard time gettting rid of offspring they really not likely to hold on to em to pair and have more time invested in an unpopular frog. but they should and your right because the long term things can turn around.

That would be true if they could get rid of them...
Why would I sell two week old froglets when I have just as many 3-4 month old frogs because they won't sell? Doesn't make much sense...everyone knows more developed frogs are worth more...so why would that happen?