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Hi, i need a hand sexing my two Tincs...their names are bonnie and clyde
they are beautiful, im jealous!


thankyou! I really wish someone would chime in here and sex these froggies for me...


bonnie looks like a female, but that is just a guess
get some better photos of them that show their body shape. sometimes its hard to tell until they start exhibiting behaviour of a male or female.
good luck, ~Lauren


I've read that you can tell sex by a grey colloration under the throat (male), that females tend to have narrower toes than males, and also females are rounder than males. Not sure how much of that is accurate, but hope it helps.


looks female to me


both look female to me. 8)
How old is the frog? Either you have big hands, the picture is at a weird angle, or the frog is too young to sex. Big Grin

My proven pair of powder blues are well over 2" long (I'm bad at guessing lengths, but they are bigger than all my other tinc morphs inclulding all my azuerus) and both have the body shape of a female and the toepads of a male.
Looks like both females to me.