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Full Version: Negative effects from preventing breeding?
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My question is pretty much the exact topic.

Is there any negative effects of preventing the frogs from breeding by removing breeding sites?

The reason i ask is because i simply want to enjoy my frogs without the hassle of dealing with froglets (separate enclosures, transporting them, selling them, over crowded tanks, ect). I am planning on making two more vivariums. One viv for leucs and one for tincs. The leucs i would like to have a group but i do not want babies. Is it okay to not give them breeding sites? I suppose i could try for all males, and in reality i would prefer that but i feel like it may be hard to buy and introduce 2 males at the same time. As for the tinc viv i plan on just picking up one male alone.

Looking forward to hearing back from you all!


PS i did a search for this topic and couldnt find anything.. if someone could direct me to a thread i would be glad to read that.

Like you said, having all the same sex frogs would be easiest, but removing breeding sites won't help all that much IMO. They will find a way to breed and raise the eggs. I would add a cocohut and dish. Generally they will lay there and you can simply cull the eggs. No deposition sites (water) will help too.

Yep...frogs WILL find a way to breed eventually. That's why mixing species and morphs is such a volatile topic.

There are instances of egg-bound females dying, but that is more or less with a fully started breeding pair and then shutting them down. Other than that, there are no ill-effects from NOT having your frogs breed. It won't affect their life and happiness for instance. Health-wise, they will all be fine..all males, or all females.

I would just get a group of leucs or tincs and provide a couple cocohuts with lids under them and like Glenn says, diligently check them and just cull the eggs.