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Full Version: Dendrobates tinctorious "Lorenzo" pics
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great pics of my favourite tinc 'moprh'. Love the head colouration and fade.
Thanks Phil! They are fast becoming a favorite! The contrast between the crest and body won me over - after having them for a while and seeing their personality, it's almost like they came with factory racing stripes Wink. I really like the subtle blue tones in their torsos as well. I hope more folks start keeping them. Such a neat little morph.
Figured it was time for an update. I spent some time working on their tank today, removing some cork bark and trimming some plants. They have been hiding more since the tank was a bit over grown. There was a cork bark cave that I had built that became covered with pilea and moss, and they managed to get from one side of the viv to the other, and up most of the background, while staying hidden under the foliage lol. I pulled two pieces of cork out of the viv to open up the floor a bit, removed some pilea and moss, and added a gallon of live oak leaf litter. Despite my best efforts to scare the crap out of them with an alien abduction for a 6 month swab, all four were out eating shortly after the turmoil...see if you can spot them in this lousy cell phone pic:
If you didn't find them, here are some obnoxious circles pointing them out:
Here's what the revised viv looks like with a more open floor:
And a few more cell phone shots of the inhabitants...
And if it was not for those crests, I'd never spot these guys:
Do you have enough egg deposition sites / bowers ?
I have not provided them with any yet. They are about a year old. I figured I would wait a bit before giving them a few sites. It's hard to see but there is a decent private area behind that fern and corkbark and there's another good site up in the background. I have two Petri dish sizes that should work for them but I have not offered them up yet. Worst case I can drop a coco hut under the ledge on the right side of the floor.

I figured I would wait until next spring or summer when they hit about 18 months. No calling yet...
ahh..I see. No rush that's for sure. The more size they put on the better to endure the stress of breeding.
They are hard to judge. At 12 months they are about the size of a 6 month old azureus (about an inch and a quarter, maybe an inch and a half). I'm just guessing that 18 months is the minimum I should wait. They are noticeably bigger now and they are filling out. No rush for me - I am enjoying watching them. Very striking frog, though my family has declared the bakhuis and azureus as their favorites Smile
Great looking tank and frogs! I used to have several pairs of Lorenzos. One of the trickier morphs of tincs to breed for me. They seemed to mature late like my reginas. They tended not to breed until 18 months-2 years. But I got bad eggs and jelly for a good while even then. I'd love to get some more lorenzos but they are not so easy to find these days.
Thanks for the info Josh! Truly an awesome little morph. I wish they were more popular Smile. I'll be tracking to 18 to 24 months with them. No rush. Special little guys and I am enjoying the grow out.

I've been redesigning my vivs over the last 6 months using this corkbark design that I liked starting with the bakhuis build. The tincs seem to like it and spend a lot of time climbing. All the vivs are growing in well. This one is slow growing in at the top but the pilea is doing well. Thanks for the comments!
Lorenzos are doing well. They are turning out to be pretty shy, mostly coming out during feeding times then retreating to their hides under the leaf litter, ferns and cork caves. Still my favorites though Smile


A few updated shots of the viv:
They are such a nice frog! When you do get them going and have offspring, I would gladly take some! Smile
Hey Josh! It's too bad they are not more popular...I'll see if I can help change that! I think I'm 6 to 12 months from eggs. I won't give them any bowers until they are 18 to 24 months (they are a little over a year old now). Beautiful frogs though. I was exchanging email with the breeder about how shy mine are. They said their adults were out all the time, but they too noticed their juveniles were less bold. I hope they get bolder in the coming months - I'd like to see more of them outside of feeding time Smile
Adding more plant updates to these threads. This viv has been growing in nicely. I placed comments in the file descriptions so I could keep the plant names right. I have to look these up every time I post...

And a few shots of my old standby...Pilea involucrata "Friendship". So this and Peperomia trinervula are about the only plants that consistently do well for me. The pilea friendship and an upside-down fern have created a lower canopy that shield the lower 2/3 of the viv floor that allows the Lorenzos to move around without being seen Sad ... but the viv looks nice Smile
I never really thought they were terribly shy. Not as shy as my La Fumee or skittish like my old Citronellas I had. They were not as bold as most of my other tincs, but I have shy frogs. Rio Saladillo which I have only seen maybe twice in a month or so and Summersi which I see one for about 30 seconds a day. That's shy! I noticed some frogs are more bold when they have a mate. Sylvatica I have noticed that with. A lone male is much more reclusive than when he is paired up with a female. And same with the juveniles. They are more reclusive until reaching maturity so maybe they will do the same. Beautiful nevertheless though. And if these are from Sean, I can honestly say his adults are always out and about when I am there.
Beautiful! Big Grin

My male started calling at around 8 months but he and his mate were over a year old before they started breeding (I want to say around 18 months but I don't recall for sure). Your little guys still look young. Mine stayed young looking like that, too, for quite a while.
pafrogguy Wrote:I never really thought they were terribly shy. Not as shy as my La Fumee or skittish like my old Citronellas I had. They were not as bold as most of my other tincs, but I have shy frogs. Rio Saladillo which I have only seen maybe twice in a month or so and Summersi which I see one for about 30 seconds a day. That's shy! I noticed some frogs are more bold when they have a mate. Sylvatica I have noticed that with. A lone male is much more reclusive than when he is paired up with a female. And same with the juveniles. They are more reclusive until reaching maturity so maybe they will do the same. Beautiful nevertheless though. And if these are from Sean, I can honestly say his adults are always out and about when I am there.
Hey Josh! Yeah I am hoping mine will bolden up like Sean's (the parents). They are not complete hermits, but they don't tolerate anyone sitting in front of the viv watching them - if you do walk up to the viv they hop back into their caves and leaf litter. The sips right next door with nearly an identical setup don't care at all. Anyhow I'm in no hurry. They are worth the wait!

frogface Wrote:Beautiful! Big Grin

My male started calling at around 8 months but he and his mate were over a year old before they started breeding (I want to say around 18 months but I don't recall for sure). Your little guys still look young. Mine stayed young looking like that, too, for quite a while.

Thanks Kris! They do look small! It's even worse being next to my sips, which just blew by them in size in a few months. I'm enjoying their grow out. They are mostly on hydei with a 4 supplement rotation. They don't put away near the volume of flies the sips do - the Lorenzo's seem to be much more precise in their "hunting" than my big tincs. You're gonna have to post some pics soon of your Lorenzos! Congrats on the results btw, and kudos to your continued diligence Smile
Well these guys should be about a year old. They are still very small compared to my other tincs. They roost in the cork bark caves at night, so I snapped a few photos tonight just before lights out. I think this one is shaping up to be a female. She's still only about 1.25" long:

I may have to name this one 'knee pads'. It's had these patches on it's knees since I got it.
Lovely! Lorenzos are smaller than other tincs. Part of what makes them so cool. Like little mini-tincs Big Grin
Thanks Kris! I've read 40 mm SVL (roughly 1.5") adult size. Was that your experience? About 1.25" for a 1 year old female seems about right. Maybe another quarter inch over the next 6 to 12 months would seem to track. But man they seem tiny when the sips next door come hopping out Smile
Well, my male Lorenzo had a check up a few months ago and weight in at 3 grams. My female Sip, for comparison, weighed almost 9 grams Big Grin
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