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FWIW, I do have a few Tincs that won't go near a petri dish/coco hut. My La Fumee's for example, they will lay everywhere but in the hut...lol
frogfreak Wrote:FWIW, I do have a few Tincs that won't go near a petri dish/coco hut. My La Fumee's for example, they will lay everywhere but in the hut...lol

But the majority of your Tincs prefer, or are frequently using the cocohuts with petri dishes ?
Philsuma Wrote:
frogfreak Wrote:FWIW, I do have a few Tincs that won't go near a petri dish/coco hut. My La Fumee's for example, they will lay everywhere but in the hut...lol

But the majority of your Tincs prefer, or are frequently using the cocohuts with petri dishes ?

Yup, they do. I have a few stubborn ones though.
I reworked the FB access into a better deposition pond. I used extra pieces of cork bark as small bulkheads that were wedged between the front glass and the existing cork bark bulkhead. I pulled out the original black pebbles that were holding back the gravel. This provided a larger and more consistent pool area. We will see how it works out. Here is the before and after.

And a close up:

It's a bit dirtier than it looks Glenn. All the crap settled out before I took the picture Wink
Got another clutch today. So far, they are dropping clutches about 10 days apart. All 5 looked good this time:
I have two good eggs from the June 7 clutch. Summer is kicking in down here and my dehumidifier wreaked a bit of havoc this week and 3 of the eggs dried out too much in the incubator. I've closed the vent. The bottom two closest to the water in the dish are doing ok. Here they are backlit with some color contrast enhancements for better visibility:
Quick update - one of the eggs hatched last night. Caught a picture of it with its tail still in the egg. You can see the other tadpole still in its egg immediately below:

Go, go, go little tads! Big Grin
Good news, bad news. The first tad from the second clutch didn't make it. It died yesterday and I took photos yesterday and today:
So now for the good news - the second tad appears to be forming bubbles and regularly surfacing. It's been about 48 hours in a cup and it looks promising. I am tempted to wait another day or so, then place it back in the viv in the front pool for grow out. Opinions on that idea are welcome!

OK now for the pic you have been waiting for!
I alo have two promising looking clutches in the incubator - 5/5 (3 pictured) and 6 that are too early to tell. These were deposited 3 days apart, from both females:
You know, my vet told me, back when my pair was breeding and tads were dying, that she knew of a lab that could sample a tad to maybe see what's going on. I wonder if it's expensive?
that's gotta be 'hella' expensive - $$$
I would make some variable raising containers - each with a different 'type' of water and possibly different components and diet and see if that yields any clues.
I don't want to sound too cold but this is only their second full clutch to develop so I'm not too worried yet. The five out if five developing eggs in the third clutch has me encouraged. I will try out some different cup/container tests. I did place this one back in the viv grow out pool this morning. The water volumes are more stable and there's plenty of extra stuff to eat Smile
The tad from the second clutch is looking good! The third clutch has 4/5 developing after about a week. I think 2 of the 4 remaining look pretty good. The fourth clutch of 6 are developing, but it's still early. So here's the little tad swimming around:
The third clutch yielded 3 tadpoles from 5 eggs. They are still in the dish - I am setting up a small tank with sloped Turface as a substrate and cork bark climb outs with some leaf litter as a rearing tank. I'm thinking a clutch per tank (2.5 gallon) for now. Here are the little buggers from yesterday:
The fourth clutch has 6 of 6 developing. They look to be a week out. The parents were courting again today so I put some fresh magnolia leaves in for them. Fun times!
Awesome! How's the little guy in the video doing?
Still bopping around the viv grow out pool. I dropped two tad bites in there today. I have not seen it take a fly off the surface yet but there are quite a number of flies available in addition to the tad bites.
Figured it was time for a tadpole update. Four tads are in the water and looking strong. The in-viv tad is doing well and fattening up:
I'm trying something new with the three tads from the third clutch. I am going to grow them out in a 2.5 gallon tank with a Turface substrate and cork bark crawl out. There are a few leaves tossed in as well. Here's a shot of the setup as I was acclimating the three tads to their new digs:
And everyone likes a little video compilation:
Clutch number four seems to be progressing well. I think 3 of the 6 are looking good, 2 (top and right) seem ok, the one on the lower left is questionable:
And here's papa Lorenzo:
Excellent video Jim - one of the best I've ever seen!!
I've been busily foraging for clutches in the leaf litter. I think they are ticked off at my cherry picking clutches so they have taken to depositing a few levels down in the magnolia leaves :lol:. First up, the first surviving tad is doing well in the viv. It's in the deposition pool by itself and it's sprung some legs:

For my fellow data geeks, here's a plot of the clutches I have managed to find plotted by time and the number of tads yielded.

I still find it interesting to see how they take a few clutches to get things right. Currently the overall average clutch size is 4. They yields are right at 100% starting with their seventh clutch, but I did lose one to a slime mold that took hold of a clutch before I had a chance to pull it. It started on the magnolia leaf and I tried to tread it with MB, but it spread within hours across what looked like 5 good eggs and they just melted within two days...

Interestingly the clutch size is trending down. I'm not sure if that is an anomaly or if they are figuring things out and pacing themselves. Frankly 5 to 6 eggs seems like a lot from these little guys. I'm much happier to see the smaller clutch sizes spread out a bit. Both females are breeding as well, so it's hard to unwind who's dropping which clutch.

So far the tads are doing well. I am raising them in communal 2.5 gallon grow outs with each clutch housed separately. Eventually I may combine clutches, but for now I have enough tanks.
THanks so much for the info! My previous female seemed larger than the females I currently have. Maybe it's just because they are still young. Anyway, she was routinely laying clutches with 7+ eggs. I wonder if letting her lay so often and so many weakened her and contributed to her illness. I hope not. :?
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