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uh....wow. A double chin / gular!

You may wanna cut back a little on that one.
Ahh man i've got this picture of a leuc wallet in my head now,damn that made me laugh.Field how old are your leucs? are they calling yet? thanks on the birthday
Phil...yeah I hadn't noticed just how big it was until I went to take some more pics and saw the profile...yikes.
Stu...they are about 9-10 months oow. Two have been calling for at least a month, probably more. Side note: speaking of odd wallets, my dad had a customer who took a souvenir from his cadaver in med school...tanned up a big piece of inner thigh skin and took it to get a wallet made. The leather guy said it was the nicest leather he had ever seen and asked what kind of animal it was...when he found out it was long pig he refused to work with it. Yeah, I was creeped out when I heard the story...
Isn't Georgia where they filmed the movie "Wrong Turn" ?

Hairless goat...
Actually Wrong Turn was filmed i Canada (it is embarrassing to admit, but not only do I won that movie, I have watched it countless times)...but we do have Deliverance.
Too late to edit, but own...not won
A few more pics:
Pic 1: Getting lots of growth on my qurecifolia ( A big thank you to Stu!)
Pic 2: Finally caught all 6 terribilis in one pic
Pic 3: This one's for you Scott...one finally showed its mug!
Field, am I reading this right, that the plant is some type of climbing hydrangea? Is there a thread where Stu talked about it? I see you mentioned him. Love the pics!
Lady Bullseye Wrote:Field, am I reading this right, that the plant is some type of climbing hydrangea? Is there a thread where Stu talked about it? I see you mentioned him. Love the pics!
Lisa, there is a hydrangea quercifolia (some call it French climbing hydrangea), but this is Ficus pumilia var. quercifolia. Quercifolia= oakleaf.
Thanks Field for clarifying Smile I like it, have to look it up.
More anthonyi eggs today...the same day the last tad from the last clutch wriggled free Big Grin Man I love this hobby!
The Rabbits of the Dart World....enjoy.
Here's a little update of the last clutch and one of the parents:
That egg clutch is looking real nice! Your female has great color and markings - how old is she?
Hey Scott,
Thanks, it looks pretty good so far. Unfortunately I don't know how old she is. The person I got the group from was selling for a friend, so there really wasn't much info. They have colored up considerably since I got them (compare to old pic)...I think the superpig is working.
Well, I pulled the latest clutch today...while I was pulling it one of the males jumped out and was transporting about 9 tads...didn't even know there was another clutch in there. So yep...rabbits.
Got some more transport pics (he had already deposited a few tads before I got the pics):
Awesome...a single file line !
Another clutch today:
Once they start you cant stop em.. too bad Histo's are not like that...
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